Wicked Sisters Sweets is a family-run business, owned by three wicked sisters with wicked baking skills and a wicked appetite for sweets. We were raised on the East Coast, but we now live on the West Coast - and we brought our favorite homemade recipes to share with you. 

We have been wickedly baking and eating (mostly eating, quite frankly; we have wicked appetites) the most amazing homemade baked goods for as long as we can remember. Collectively, the Wicked Sisters have been working in the food business for over 65 years!

Why are we wicked, you say? Because growing up back East, all the really fun, exciting (and dare I say haunting?) things were wicked! We believe that our homemade sweets are just as wicked! (Wink! Wink!)

One of our featured treats is our very own Wicked Sisters Whoopie Pies! It’s time that the West Coasters put their cupcakes down and try something wickedly good! Hey - we love ALL sweets, but cupcakes, scoot on over because Wicked Sisters Whoopie Pies have arrived!

So jump on board and take a wicked journey with us as we introduce Wicked Sisters Whoopie Pies to the Golden State and beyond! Like us (love us, too), blog us, and most importantly, get in touch because we’d love to hear from you!

Have a wickedly awesome day!